Monday 13 December 2010


I have decided the name of my magazine will be Volume as I think from my ideas it is the most catchy and the one which makes the biggest statement.

The person who will feature in my magazine is called Naomi Ashley. Her character is like Beyonce/Rihanna. My front cover will include either a close up shot of her face or a full length shot of her. I researched ideas for photos and the style of image Rihanna uses in photo shoots and magazine covers.
I like this image of Rihanna as it is simple to do however still looks strong. This would be easy to do for my magazine for Naomi on the cover.

This image is striking and the small amount of colour from the necklace and her nail varnish makes the image stand out more. I also like the colour scheme of her top matching the theme of the magazine. I will keep this in mind when I create my magazine.

This magazine is eye catching and could easily be done. I also think an image like this would fit well with the theme of my magazine as it isn't serious and would be appropriate for targeting my target audience.

This image works well with the colour scheme as it is put in black and white which works well with the blue background as it doesn't make it complicated and overpowering with colour but it still stands out. I like the idea of using a black and white image which I may try in my magazine article or on the front cover.

In the contents I will include pictures based on fashion and clothes which are popular on the high street today. I will also include make up and shots of my artist which link to my contents.

My article will be based on how Naomi's lower class background inspired her to be original and how her songs tell stories based on when she was growing up going from lower class to rich and famous. In my article I will include an introduction about Naomi Ashley and an interview involving her childhood and background compared to how she is now. I will include photos of when she was younger and how she is now using a camera and lighting to capture the images. I have not yet decided on any props however I am thinking of using some.

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