Thursday 27 January 2011


1) What does the title suggest to you?

2) What genre/type of music does the magazine focus on and how do you know this?

3) What makes the pages look professional and what stops them from looking professional?

4) How genuine does the front cover seem?

5) Does the contents page simply inform or does it also manage to interest you in reading the rest of the magazine?

6) Does the article sound like a piece of journalism? If not what bits don't sound right?

7) Does the articles layout make you want to read it? If not why not?

From these questions I got 10 peoples feedback to review my coursework. From the feedback of my magazine title most people found the title got across the genre of my magazine straight away as the title is 'Volume' and this suggests a music genre immediately. The feedback showed people found the music genre existed throughout my magazine and from the title was clear as it mentions downloads and a battle of the bands. The feedback I got from my magazine looking professional was that the colour scheme and pictures looked genuine and the font use was eyecatching. The front cover seemed genuine for the same reasons and each caption I included was very realistic according to the people I gave the questionaire to for my feedback. The contents page seemed to inform but also interest the readers however didnt intrest one of the people I gave the questionaire to as she wasnt interested in girly pop music or r'n'b.

My Final Project

Front Cover
Overall I think my front cover turned out very well and I think it looks professional. I am happy with my colour scheme and font choices however I would have liked the background to my image of my character to have been whiter as I feel it would have stood out more. I am happy with the title of my magazine and the content which I have included in captions on the front cover.

I think my contents page looks very professional and the pictures stand out extremely well here. I like my font choice and colour scheme as I think the page numbers stand out well and it is not cramped so it would be boring to read.

I am most happy with my article page because I think the black and white photos go well with the black and white writing and I think the pink title makes it stand out. I also think the photos are displayed well and the content of my article fits my magazine genre perfectly.

Making my Magazine

I first began to make my front cover of my magazine and began selecting which photo I thought would suit my front cover best. I chose a semi close up view of 'Naomi Ashley', as I thought it fit the page well. I then began to use my selected fonts to produce my title and captions of what would be in Volume. I used to make a barcode and applied my colour scheme well overall to make my front cover work.
I kept the same theme going throughout my magazine's front cover, contents and article.
For the contents I chose another picture of 'Naomi Ashley' as well as a picture of two other girls promoting an Rnb clothing range which was to be featured in my magazine. I then included what was featured in my magazine front cover in my contents and added extra information to create my contents page.
For my article two page spread, I first created my article and then applied it to an article template to get an idea of the amount of space it would take up. I then placed pictures into my article spread featuring Naomi and applied finishing touches to my article and the rest of my magazine.

Mock pages

Before making my magazine I created mock pages of each page on A4 paper to show the layout I originally want my magazine to full fill.