Thursday 27 January 2011

My Final Project

Front Cover
Overall I think my front cover turned out very well and I think it looks professional. I am happy with my colour scheme and font choices however I would have liked the background to my image of my character to have been whiter as I feel it would have stood out more. I am happy with the title of my magazine and the content which I have included in captions on the front cover.

I think my contents page looks very professional and the pictures stand out extremely well here. I like my font choice and colour scheme as I think the page numbers stand out well and it is not cramped so it would be boring to read.

I am most happy with my article page because I think the black and white photos go well with the black and white writing and I think the pink title makes it stand out. I also think the photos are displayed well and the content of my article fits my magazine genre perfectly.

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