Thursday 25 November 2010

Development questionnaire

1. Are you Male or Female? (tick)
Male 8
Female 2

2. How old are you?
16-25 10

3. What is your favourite genre of music?
Pop 4
RnB 4
Indie 2

4. What draws you into buying a magazine?
Pictures of Celebrities 3
Interviews 3
Articles 4

5. How often do you buy music magazines?
Now and Again 2
Hardly Ever 6
Never 2

6. How much would you pay for a magazine?
£1.00-£2.50 6
£2.50-£4.00 4

To help develop my research I made a questionnaire which would inform me what appealed most to different people. I asked more females than males to fill out my questionnaire to get information of the kind of magazines females prefer. All the people I asked were in the age range 16-25 as that is my target audience age. From asking which is the preferred genre of music from the people I interviewed I found Pop and Rnb are the most popular which has helped me with the content of my magazine particularly with choosing the people I will have pictured on the cover, contents and article. Articles was the most popular choice which would draw people into buying a magazine as well as interviews and pictures being eye catching. The last two questions showed more people hardly ever buy music magazines and that they would pay under £4.00 for a magazine.

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