Monday 8 November 2010

Music Magazine Analysis!

The magazine above has a short, sharp and bold pink title which would grab a readers attention and the pink colour theme would mainly target girls. To the top right hand corner is a competition advert which would attract readers to the prize as well as the main front page focus being on Keyshia Cole and as she is famous it would interest readers to want to read the article inside. Elsewhere on the page are famous singers mentioned and smaller photos of celebrities to expand the target audience as not everybody likes every artist. For example to the bottom left, Britney Spears, Usher, Akon etc are listed showing they are featured within the magazine.

The contents page above for vogue indicates it is a fashion magazine because of the model on the left. The bold vogue writing at the top, like any front cover, makes a statement and the colours used are simple and neutral which targets women. Vogue is a magazine which targets young women around 18+ and the font and pale neutral colours reflect sophistication which would usually attract this audience. The two headings ''Fashion'' and ''Special Features'' are bolder than the rest of the writing which makes them stand out but it doesn't cancel out the sophistication the magazine holds. Although I think this contents page is perfect for the target audience Vogue has, for my magazine I would make it much brighter and bolder with more pictures because I think many younger teenagers would find this type of layout boring.

The article above is an article from a woman's magazine. Using a purple strip behind the title it makes the title of the story stand out by working with the bold white top line ''MY MAN WEARS'' followed by the next line ''girls clothes'' which is in black. The use of purple behind both black and white makes both parts of the title stand out and the different fonts reflect men and women going from bold to a feminine font. The picture of the man on the page dressed up both normally and another in girls clothes grabs the reader as he looks like an ordinary man and within the article are bolder sub headings which stand out important to the rest of the article.

Using this magazine analysis I can develop my ideas to target the same type of audience 'Beat' attracts and use a similar style to promote mine in the same way. In my magazine I will include bold fonts and bright colours to make it stand out as well as photos of young women to capture my target audience as teenage girls are mainly interested in new fashion and music. From this magazine analysis I decided from the music magazine cover of Beat that my initial idea of having a music magazine and then creating a genre hybrid to mix it with fashion it was a good idea as Beat does this exactly.

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